Sponsor Challenges

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Spatial data analysis to support the humanitarian mission

Input Data

We take a region in an under-mapped country (like Tanzania), and provide:

Challenge Questions

conocophillips logo

As with all mechanical equipment, things break and when things break money is lost in the form of repairs and lost oil production. When costs go up cash goes down, but how can we predict when equipment will fail and use this information to drive down our costs?

Input Data

A data set will be provided that has documented failure events that occurred on surface equipment and down-hole equipment. For each failure event, data has been collected from over 107 sensors that collect a variety of physical information both on the surface and below the ground.

Challenge Questions

Predict surface and down-hole failures using the data set provided.


cbre logo

Best project that helps the community and/or environment!

Input Data


Challenge Questions

Project should show a contribution to the community or the evironment or an insight into bettering them.


goldman sachs logo

One thing that brings everyone together is food, and in Texas that means burritos and tacos. A list of 19,439 restaurants and similar businesses with menu items containing burritos and tacos from across the US has been compiled for users to mine the data and derive insights.

Input Data

The dataset includes the category, cuisine, restaurant information, and more for a menu item. Each row corresponds to a single menu item from the restaurant, and the entirety of each restaurant's menu is not listed. Only burrito or taco items are listed.

Challenge Questions

The final product of your efforts should include a visualization of your output, with supporting documentation detailing the modeling and analysis performed.


shell logo

By developing a better understanding of the consumer and the marketplace than their peers, fuel retailers can deliver more appealing products and services to their customers across multiple categories. The key to improving the revenue potential of each customer lies in understanding as much as possible about buyers’ needs, preferences and purchasing behaviors

Input Data

Please find external data from Kaggle / Google for this challenge.

Challenge Questions

walmart logo

Black Friday is coming, and Walmart has a lot of great deals for its customers. As a smart shopper, you will use computer to make a plan to visit the in-store deals as quick as possible.

Input Data
Challenge Questions
Major League Hacking 2020 Hackathon Season